  Home Owners

    "Nothing makes you more tolerant of a neighbor's noisy party than         being there."
                                                                                  -Franklin P. Jones


Architectural Control Committee (ACC) 

All residents are required to present, for approval by the ACC, plans for additions to their home, sheds, garages or other architectural changes/additions. A complete explanation of the types of projects that must be reviewed by the ACC, as well as the proper forms and filing procedures, is contained in the ACC Approval Request Procedure. Compliance with the guidelines of the ACC ensures that all structures and other architectural changes or additions are done in keeping with the existing look of the subdivision. ACC approval does NOT substitute for the homeowner's responsibility to obtain any necessary building permits or other licenses that may be required by the county of York or the city of Rock Hill.

Please email completed form to  Wait for a response from the ACC committee to move forward. 

Thank you for following this process at it is important to our neighborhood as it ensures that our neighborhood retains its appeal, uniformity, and overall property value which ultimately benefits all of us. 


Marcelo Morales 

Pat Ferrell 

William Dunlap (Mr. T) 


Click to Replace

In order to maintain a harmonious and aesthetic appearance throughout the community, please get replacement mailboxes and numbers from the following company:
Carolina Mailboxes
3428 Vane Court, Suite C
Charlotte, NC 28206
(704) 334-3393

Carolina Mailboxes can provide mailboxes and numbers that meet Stonetrace’s specifications. Additionally, please keep your mailbox clean which will extend the life of its finish. Repaint or replace it, if it is damaged or faded. When repainting your mailbox, use a black, glossy paint. That is the original color and finish of the mailboxes and posts.